Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I once saw a video of a little girl dancing with an even younger boy, the little girl “grinding” and “twisting” and “working” and…I don’t even know. It was a morally distasteful dance, extremely soul-poisoning. And it was coming from an 11-year-old. The most annoying thing was that the adults who ought to have stopped it or at least tried to stop it, were laughing, clapping and cheering the kids on.

The generation and dispensation we’re in is extremely immoral. Our politicians and civic leaders are embroiled in various corruption scandals. Our parents are getting divorced at the speed of light, preferring to keep various sexual affairs than retain fidelity. Our schools are emblems of high-class immorality with the average youth seeking nothing but money and pleasure. The rate of sexual immorality in our varsities is so high, if you’re not in, you’re the queer one. It has become normal to throw even the most minute of morality away as we begin to grow into a self-centred society. Injustice is everywhere as justice is only available to the highest bidder. And I can go on and on and on. Our society has fallen and is still falling into deep perversion, corruption and immorality, day by day.

But where is the Church in all of this?

The Church is lost my dear. The situation of the Church brings to mind the words of a German pastor in Nazi-Germany. He said, “First, they came for the Communist and I didn’t speak out, because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the Socialist and I didn’t speak out, because I wasn’t a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade-unionist and I didn’t speak out, because I wasn’t a Trade-unionist. Then they came for the Jew and I didn’t speak out, because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the Catholic and I didn’t speak out, because I wasn’t a Catholic. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me”.

Christians have become passive about issues that do not affect them. Contrary to Bible teachings, they stare injustice in the face and walk past without a word (okay maybe a complaint or two, nothing more). In the face of increasing evil in the society, the Church of God has no say. The Church that used to and ought to be a distinct society, apart from the evils around her and combating it with the Word of God, is ghostly silent. The Church that ought to be the radical voice of justice and morality is silent.

That’s not all. If it were merely a silent Church, wouldn’t it have been better. At least, we can try to open Her mouth and let the Truth blast forth that our society might be saved. But, alas, that is not so. The Church has turned from God to the world.

The values that the Church was built upon are now lost. The shepherds, rather than to turn the hearts of the people back to God now address issues that are pleasant upon the ears of the “audience”. The place of worship is now a theatre- a show. The people love a show and the pastors are playing to the gallery. Our prophets are nothing but mere soothsayers! All in all, the people are given what they want rather than what they need. How can this be. There’s a strange fire in the Church today. It is now a circus! A circus that is devoid of the Shekinah glory of the Almighty. I even hear there are churches that do not preach against sin because “it amounts to condemnation” and they quote that Christians are no longer under condemnation because of grace. And so they can sin in minute ways! What heresy! Heresy I say! Forgive us Lord!

It was the same situation that forced the hand of God into dealing terribly with the people of Israel. If you don’t mind you can read Jeremiah 5 especially verses 20-31. Actually, you should read all of Jeremiah and see the resemblance it bears to our society today (there’s nothing new under the heavens after all)
The Church must rise and take its place…and make a stand for God. Rather than teach mortal things of prosperity and riches and earthly glory that will pass away, our spiritual leaders must return our hearts to the Lord in a spiritual brokeness and seek God for a revival lest the hand of God wrought disaster upon the Church, His chosen people. The Church must be the voice of God and to do that, must prepare herself as an acceptable bride of the Lord Jesus, separate from the world while seeking to bring the world to repentance.

Afterall, to bring out a man from a pit, you cannot jump into the pit in order to help him out. Let him who has ears, hear.